Friday, September 22, 2006

Sills, Moose and Earthquakes

The last 24-hours have been exciting. First, on Thursday night we saw our first moose. He was strolling down the road. It was very cool to see.

Friday morning at approximately 6:50AM EST there was an extremely loud "boom" noise which woke us immdiately. Then suddenly the entire townhouse started to shake. The entire episode lasted maybe 5 seconds. We thought it was the construction crew in the condo complex working on the sewer system. We figured the A.R. Whitten boys were "dynamiting" a piece of ledge or something. We found out later in the afternoon that it was a quake, 3.9 on the rictor scale, 1 mile SW of Bar Harbor. We are about 1o nautical miles to Bar Harbor.

The sill plates were set on Thur/Fri. We got the sills bolted down and they are now as we say, "square, level, and straight."

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